Current trends on spectral data for Higgs bundles

Current trends on spectral data for Higgs bundles IV

Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford

November 17-18 2018

Higgs bundles and their spectral data have had applications in different research areas of mathematics and physics. This fourth workshop in the series is intended to bring young researchers in the area to highlight advances in their research, and inspire new perspectives from which to study Higgs bundles and its applications.

The speakers will include:

  • Qiongling Li, Caltech/Aarhus, USA/Denmark.
  • Sara Maloni, Virginia, USA.
  • Camilla Felisetti, Bologna, Italy.
  • Victoria Hoskins, FU Berlin, Germany.
  • Nigel Hitchin, Oxford, UK.
  • Monica Kang, Harvard, USA.
  • Sergei Gukov, Caltech, USA.
  • Eloise Hamilton, Oxford, UK

Support provided by the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, and Laura Schaposnik’s NSF grant DMS-1509693, NSF CAREER Award DMS 1749013: and UIC Start-Up funds